ISO 29993:2017

Learning Services Outside Formal Education- Service Requirements for LSP (Learning Service Provider)


The International Standard ISO 29993:2017 specifies requirements for those who provide life-long learning, those who receive such services as well as those that manage such services. A key element of the standard stipulates that all who are involved in such services must be able to interact with one another and conduct business with the utmost professionalism and care – both before and after a service is given.

In the world of academia, classrooms must be kept clean and well-maintained. You have to do a lot to ensure that your students have a pleasant experience from the moment they enter the classroom to when they leave.

This standard is not about schools, colleges and universities that are part of a formal education system, but they can use it to reflect on how they are doing.



  • Align various elements of learning services or methods including advertising, information provided to learners, the study methods utilized throughout the course, assessment and evaluation means used during the course, etc, so as to become more open and transparent with your students.
  • Promote the effectiveness of instructional design courses − through providing evidence that instructional designers can greatly enhance the credibility of an organization learning services.
  • You can improve learning services by providing a model that can be shared with the rest of your organization.
  • Develop an application that demonstrates the reliability and quality of learning services.
  • Provide a way for all educators to demonstrate the reliability and learnability of their methodology.



This standard consist of 14 clauses.