Kosher is an English word that means fit, proper or correct. It is mostly used to describe food and drink that complies with Jewish religious dietary law. To be kosher certified, a product must be approved by a kosher auditor.

It can’t contain non-kosher additives, and it must meet applicable federal and state laws as well as the laws of kashrut. In addition, to be considered kosher compliant those who make the final kosher certification decision must also conform to strict Jewish dietary law as determined by a rabbi or other official authority on kashrut.

The food is classified into these three categories-

  • Flesh (basari)
  • Neutrals (With parve)
  • Dairy (jalabi)

Requirement of Kosher Certification

Kosher Certificate required for the manufacturing units of Dairy Products, Food and food ingredients & meat products. Also required who are the vendors of these sectors or are contract manufacturer units providing services to them.


Benefits of Kosher Certification

Demand for approved kosher products has risen rapidly. Sales of kosher-certified products have risen at an annual pace of 15% over the past few years. In fact, according to recent market research, ‘Kosher’ was the most frequently used claim on new products launched in the US.

Certification lead to

  • Market expansion
  • Demand expansion
  • Customer trust