SA 8000

SA stands for Social Accountability. SA8000 is an international certification standard. As a company, you can become certified under SA8000. This certification helps ensure that the company is adhering to social, environmental and workplace best practices.

Social Accountability International (SAI) created SA 8000 in 1989 to develop, maintain and apply social acceptable practices in the workplace.

SA 8000 certification is a social audit program that takes a company’s working environment into account. It ensures that working conditions meet the standards of international organizations, such as the International Labor Organization and UNICEF.


Benefits of SA 8000 Certification

  • A company’s performance depends largely on its management and planning – especially in regards to things like inventory – and that becomes a lot easier when you have the right systems in place.
  • Being a part of the global community of reputable companies that maintain social responsibility standards proves your commitment to ethical business practices and ensures your employees’ legal rights are protected under relevant national laws.
  • To build loyalty among your employees, customers and stakeholders it is vital that they can relate to some of your projects as if it were some part of them.
  • Ensuring social accountability is an essential element for anyone looking to win the bid on an international project or looking to operate locally in a new region.